When buying or selling land, whether for development or investment, let our experienced commercial team guide you through the process. We study market trends to educate you regarding competitive land prices. F.C. Tucker Commercial provides you with quality information to help you make the best decision; including, but not limited to:
We use our professional relationships with developers, local area plan commissions, regulators, municipal leaders, and owners to ease the process of land acquisition or disposition for you.
Because we do not own the land we market for sale, F.C. Tucker Commercial will find the location that best fits your needs, not ours. Subsequently, we bring clients to property we are marketing for you; because you are not competing with us. This makes F.C. Tucker Commercial unique to other commercial brokers in the Tri-State area who compete with you by developing property they own, instead of property you own.
F.C. Tucker Commercial will negotiate to provide the best possible terms for you.
7820 Eagle Crest Blvd., Suite 200
Evansville, IN 47715
Phone: 812.473.6677